Common Uncommon Visitors, Creatures and Night Legends — part two

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Flipper of Pages
Subjects in one room report hearing from a second room the sound of a large book being leafed through quickly, in the manner of someone anxious to find a specific passage or definition that would win them an argument.

Stacks of dice are discovered on flat surfaces, usually eleven high or greater. No meaning has yet been ascertained from the sequence of its numbers, and rumors to the contrary are bad for morale.

Eat their sandwiches and other handheld foods quickly until a more complete profile can be assembled. Savoring is strongly discouraged.

Salt Maiden
She has just now placed an itch in your armpit.

The Unrepentant Sighs Queen
Do not ask this sorrowful lemurienne how her week is going, lest you contract her terrible glumness. Her outlook is correct.

Hallway Winker
No big whoop; wink back and go about your day.

Napkin Ghost
A napkin that moves across the floor on its own.

Lingering Box
Often mistaken for a breakdown in organization, this cubic apparition cannot be stowed, obscured or emptied. It will follow you from move to move. It wants you to stop moving.

Scolding Hug
Just something to be aware of.

Small Choo
A light gust of air, as a spider sneezing on the hairs of your forearm.

A spot on the wall where once hung a landline phone, its silhouette visible in clean wallpaper or unfaded paint. Is this the ringing you heard in the distance? No, that’s something worse.

The Crepuscular Accountants
Theirs is a ledger of sharp dealing.

A mid-afternoon realization that you once partook in over-the-clothes stuff with a person now talented, wealthy and known to the world.

Lady with the Crown of Thumbs
Once considered harmless, this nosy neighbor is recently suspected of slinking off with carelessly delivered packages. Submit an application to the Bureau of Vengeance and file a discursive rant on NextDoor.

The Bill Hater
A specter of high station may run its room-temperature fingertips across your neck and collarbone as you sleep. You will wake to find your paper money has been replaced with foreign coinage.